Monday, December 03, 2007

Caden and Talon playing NICE!!

The boys love to play outside and their latest thing is playing in the very back of the yard with the dump trucks and mess up Dad's landscaping! Well one day I saw Caden out there playing so cute and "boylike" - it was the perfect light so I took my camera and started shooting away... The funniest thing happens when you start to take pictures of one cute little boy and not the other - the OTHER one gets jealous...

here is the timeline...
They are hugging duke and posing... then they move back to the trucks and play... until Caden doesn't wanna share his truck with Talon..

Talon precedes to take a big scoop of dirt and dump it right on top of
Caden's cute little happy face. Caden starts to cry - mom keeps taking pictures - and Talon gets yelled at while mom is still taking pictures of Caden trying to breathe ...
Then mom finally gets enough of Caden covered in dirt and goes over to Talon - but he is so cute and grumpy - mom starts taking pictures of HIM ...

My boys are so dang cute.... even when they are total BRATS!!!