Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The "wii" - I mean SANTA finally came!!! Yippee!!

My boys were SO excited for Christmas this year! Luckily Santa didn't disappoint and hand delivered a wii for them! They are very excited to have their own since Grandma Squirrel got one and they fell in love with it!! They had a great morning - although I was laying on the couch in severe pain from my kidney stone - I took about 10 photos and went back to bed... Usually I take hundreds, and I would have loved to... oh well

Thanks to Papa Bob and Grandma Di for sending Lego Sets - they spent the whole afternoon working on them leaving me and Jason to sleep .. this was taken from my pillow!!
such excitement!!! Thank you SANTA!!!

Colton, Caden and Jason were sick too... they all had the stomach flu and slept most of the day after all the presents were opened! We were a sad bunch for Christmas! I won't show the "puke" photo i have... save that one for Caden's first date!!!