Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mom is 37 Weeks!!

The Boys loved comparing bellies with me!! They are so excited for our "baby sister" to get here! It will be crazy having a little girl around! I think we are all overwhelmed about it! Her room is ready and I have tons of adorable little outfits for her to sleep and poop in... so now we are just "in waiting!!!" We are having a full week of birthdays and now to add another one just seems natural.. although I can wait until April 1st for hers! I am a little apprehensive about losing my full night of sleep... and carrying around a big carseat with a 9 pounder in it ... oh and actually "giving birth...!! She is getting bigger and at my last dr appt I was measuring right on and 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced... she will be here soon!!